“Krathong”another symbol of Yi Peng

Krathong is another symbol of Yi Peng around 1917-1927, The first person who started using Krathong

on Loi Krathong Day in Chiang Mai was Chao Dararasmi Phrarajjaya consort of Chulalongkorn King of Siam that was modeled after Siam. By lighting a candle on a coconut husk to make a small boat or a swan shape and using hemp wood to make a boat shape but it’s not generally popular. Because the Lanna people still follow the same traditions which according to the Lanna lifestyle. And The most popular activity is setting up the Thamma Luang or preach Dharma about Vessantara Jataka

However, Yi Peng is based on the same belief as the Loi Krathong tradition in other regions. The main objective is to ask for forgiveness from Goddess of Water and worship the Buddha, including the holy  things according to the beliefs of the Lanna people.
